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Neem oil is a powerful organic solution widely used in cannabis cultivation to combat pests and diseases. Extracted from the seeds of the neem tree, this natural oil contains several active compounds, with azadirachtin being the most notable. Here’s how neem oil works to protect your cannabis plants:

  • Pest Deterrent: Neem oil acts as a natural repellent, deterring pests such as aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, and more. When applied, the oil coats the leaves and disrupts the feeding, breeding, and maturation processes of these insects.
  • Insecticide: The azadirachtin in neem oil interferes with the hormonal systems of insects, preventing them from growing and reproducing. It effectively stops the life cycle of pests, reducing their population over time.
  • Fungicide: Neem oil also has antifungal properties, helping to prevent and treat fungal infections such as powdery mildew and root rot. It inhibits the growth of fungal spores, keeping your plants healthy and disease-free.
  • Systemic Action: When neem oil is absorbed by the plant, it becomes systemic, meaning it is distributed throughout the plant’s tissues. This provides ongoing protection against pests and diseases from within.
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