Cannabis’ Effect on Serotonin

Cannabis’ Effect on Serotonin

Cannabis has been recognized for centuries to provide a calming feeling for many people who use it to relax and reduce anxiety. People suffering from anxiety and depression have found relief with medical marijuana, but just how does it work with serotonin? Is cannabis...
Cannabis & High Blood Pressure 411

Cannabis & High Blood Pressure 411

Cannabis is used for many medicinal purposes, and there has been quite a bit of research to determine if marijuana can be used to help control high blood pressure. What Is Blood Pressure? Blood pressure is the force of blood that pushes against the walls of your...
Does Cannabis Help with Bipolar Disorder?

Does Cannabis Help with Bipolar Disorder?

According to Mental Health America, approximately 1 in every 40 adults in America live with bipolar disorder, which is about 40 million people. Bipolar disorder affects men and women equally. There is no real known exact cause of bipolar disorder, although it does...
Does Cannabis Help with Insomnia?

Does Cannabis Help with Insomnia?

Insomnia can have debilitating effects and is one of the most common sleep disorders in the country, with diagnoses in the general population as high as 30%. There are many studies that have focused on the effects or benefits of using cannabis to help treat patients...