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Cannabis Seeds in Wisconsin
If you’re looking for cannabis seeds in Wisconsin, the Badger state is not the most marijuana-friendly and, in fact, is lagging behind all its neighbors when it comes to cannabis legislation. Wisconsin is known as America’s Dairyland and is famous for its cheeses, and is just as well known for its beer, particularly the Miller Brewing Company headquartered in Milwaukee. The Wisconsin Dells offer up a beautiful backdrop of breathtaking cliffs and rock formations along the Wisconsin riverbanks and include thrilling amusement parks and the largest outdoor waterpark in the country, Noah’s Ark.
One thing Wisconsin is not known for is cannabis-friendly legislation.
You might have a hard time finding marijuana seeds in Wisconsin, although each neighbor has legalized cannabis in some form, with Minnesota having a medical marijuana program and Michigan and Illinois having legalized cannabis for medical and adult recreational use. Wisconsin remains stubborn as one of only 19 states that still impose jail time for simple cannabis possession and one of only 13 states that lack a compassionate medical marijuana law.
Wisconsin does not allow citizen-initiated ballot measures statewide, which means that the legislature must be convinced to improve cannabis policies. The Marijuana Policy Project, MPP, offers additional information and helps Wisconsinites to contact their lawmakers on issues such as reducing the penalty for simple cannabis possession to a civil fine. Take this link to ask your lawmakers to support legislation that reduces cannabis possession penalties.
Medical Marijuana in Wisconsin
Wisconsin governor plans to introduce legislation to legalize medical and recreational marijuana, although house congressional leaders have expressed support for a restrictive medical cannabis program only and threatened to strike down any proposal which includes recreational weed. Many Wisconsin lawmakers say they do not want the state to follow Illinois and Michigan with recreational marijuana, although they may be drastically out of touch with the voters in their state.
According to an article published in 2018, approximately 1 million Wisconsin voters approved advisory questions on the ballot in regard to more humane cannabis laws. Questions about medical cannabis in Wisconsin received support from 67 to 89% in all 11 counties where the question appeared, and questions regarding adult-use cannabis showed 60 to 70% in favor. If you are looking for weed seeds in Wisconsin, we urge you to contact your lawmakers and asked to institute more sensible cannabis policies. Take this link to let your lawmakers know that you support a Wisconsin medical cannabis program.
Marijuana Enforcement in Wisconsin
The ACLU released a national report in 2020 that revealed the unequal enforcement of cannabis laws in every state, titled A Tale of Two Countries: Racially Targeted Arrests in the Era of Marijuana Reform. This report reveals that black people are 4.2 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession as white people in Wisconsin, in spite of similar use rates. This makes Wisconsin the 14th worst state in the country regarding the racial disparity of cannabis enforcement.
Currently in Wisconsin, according to NORML, possession of any amount can result in a misdemeanor charge, a $1000 fine, and six months in jail for a first offense. A second offense charge of possession of any amount may result in a felony charge with a $10,000 fine and up to 3 ½ years in jail. Cultivation of marijuana plants of any amount up to 4 may result in a felony charge, a $10,000 fine, and 3 ½ years in prison. Cultivating 4 to 20 plants is also a felony with a $10,000 fine and can result in up to six years in prison. It is important to know the laws in your state before growing or possessing marijuana and take precautions accordingly. Cannabis seeds can be shipped to Wisconsin and any state as pure novelty items.
Medical Marijuana in Wisconsin
Medical marijuana in Wisconsin is gaining momentum with Republican lawmakers currently working privately to support a medical cannabis program. Some lawmakers have hoped to introduce the plan by the fall of 2020 and pass with bipartisan support. In the meantime, according to some new reports, it is estimated that Wisconsin residents cross one of their bordering state lines to purchase cannabis products in states where it’s legal to the tune of more than $36 million in 2022.
Help Wisconsin move past being the Midwest island of cannabis legalization with all bordering states having cannabis-friendly legislation and contact Wisconsin lawmakers today.
If you’re looking for high-quality pot seeds, Mosca seen has what you’re looking for with a wide variety of seed types and strains. We offer more than 15 years of experience in exceptional cannabis genetics and several award-winning cultivars. Check out the seed bank today and contact Mosca for high-quality cannabis seeds in Wisconsin.