
The anther is the oval shaped sac on the male cannabis plant, sometimes referred to as the banana, that produces the pollen of flowering plants. About six anthers are typically found surrounding the center of a cannabis flower, and can be in various colors of light...


Aeroponics is a method of growing cannabis where the roots are suspended in a mesh basket in the air and continuously sprayed with a fine mist of water and nutrient rich solution. Aeroponics is a common method when starting cannabis clones to produce a healthy root...


Curing cannabis is a process performed after harvesting. Proper drying and curing is critical for optimum bud development which retains cannabinoids and terpenes and helps to preserve and accentuate flavors. Buds should be placed in an airtight container after they...

Cannabis Cultivation

Cultivation of cannabis is the art of cultivating, growing or improving land by or for agriculture, to produce a mature crop for harvesting. Cultivation of cannabis is primarily for the production of cannabis. Commercial growers will cultivate large amounts of...

Cannasbis Cultivar

A cultivar is sometimes used interchangeably with variety or strain, as all three define a group of plant offspring descended from a common ancestor or mother plant. With cannabis, a cultivar can also be and commonly is a clone, created asexually through propagation....