How Does Cannabis Affect the 5 Senses?

How Does Cannabis Affect the 5 Senses?

Anyone who has ever used cannabis has most undoubtedly noticed a change in one or more senses, such as a strange food craving or a new perception of a favorite song. Compounds in cannabis interact with the human body’s sensory organs through the endocannabinoid...
What Does “Flushing Cannabis” Mean?

What Does “Flushing Cannabis” Mean?

Flushing cannabis is a term that describes watering your plants without any nutrients to remove, or flush out, nutrient buildup from the roots of your plants and the surrounding soil. Flushing is typically performed for the last 7 to 10 days right before harvest and...
Cannabis and Isomers Like Delta-8

Cannabis and Isomers Like Delta-8

The cannabis plant contains a variety of cannabinoids that are becoming an increased focus of more studies in addition to existing research on the most widely known cannabinoids, THC (Delta-9) and CBD. As cannabis consumers learn more about the many cannabinoids like...
How To Germinate Cannabis Seeds

How To Germinate Cannabis Seeds

This article was previously published on Aug 26, 2020, but revised on Aug 12, 2022 A marijuana plant is cultivated in one of two methods, from growing seeds or using clones. Growing your marijuana plants from cannabis seeds has many benefits and it is worthwhile to...

Cannabinoid Guide Infographic

One of the most important areas of research in the cannabis field relates to cannabinoids, the endocannabinoid system, and how cannabinoids affect humans through cannabis receptors. Here’s a handy guide to help you understand what each canabinoid helps...