Resin Hit

A resin hit refers to smoking leftover resin that accumulates in a bowl or smoking device. This resin can be scraped off and discarded, or it can be put back in a bowl to take a resin hit. Most smokers resort to a resin hit when they have run out of regular flower...

Residual Solvents

Residual solvents refer to the solvents left behind after the extraction process. Various types of solvents are used to extract desired cannabis compounds, such as cannabinoids and terpenes, from plant material to make cannabis concentrates. In some cases, impurities...


Cannabis reclaim is the byproduct of consuming cannabis. It is that sticky tar-like residue substance that accumulates inside the bong or dab rig and coats the inner surface of smoking devices over time. Reclaim consists of partially vaporized cannabinoids, terpenes,...


Reciprocity in the cannabis world refers to medical cannabis reciprocity, which provides the ability for medical marijuana patients to use their medical marijuana card in another state. States that honor medical cannabis reciprocity allow medical patients to purchase,...


Raw cannabis refers to the unprocessed, freshly harvested plant material from the cannabis plant that has not undergone drying, curing, or heating for consumption. Cannabis in its raw form retains its natural state, containing cannabinoids in their acid forms, such as...