
The Cola is the central flower cluster that contains tightly woven buds. The untrained female cannabis plant typically grows one central cola with larger buds at the top and smaller at the bottom for a pear shaped plant. A trained female plant will produce multiple...


A Cannabis Cooperative, Co-op, refers to a group of people, typically cannabis users, caregivers, and supporters of medical marijuana. Prior to statewide legalizations, some dispensaries operated as co-ops, to provide cannabis products to members only.


A clone is a young, female cannabis plant that is genetically identical to its mother plant. Growing with a clone can speed up the process versus germinating seeds as you start by cutting a small branch off of an established mother plant and establishing a root system...


Breeding cannabis plants can get highly technical and is a fundamental process of commercial growers. With the quality of cannabis seed strains available today, however, breeding is becoming more popular among home growers. Cannabis breeders typically breed plants to...


Backcrossing in cannabis breeding refers to crossbreeding a plant with itself, a close family member, or one of its parents. This inbreeding is done to secure desired traits such as certain aromas, flavors, cannabinoids and effects, mold resistance, or yield. Most...