An Illinois craft grower of cannabis requires a license issued by the Illinois Department of Agriculture, which allows the entrepreneur to cultivate, dry, cure, and package cannabis with limits applying to square footage.  A craft grower license allows up to 5,000 square feet of canopy space  to cultivate marijuana plants that are in the flowering stage.  The square footage applies to space that is occupied by plants only and does not include walkways or aisles in between plants.  The square footage allowed may increase over time up to a maximum of 14,000 square feet, based on determinations made by the department and compliance of the license holder.

First Craft Grower Licenses Finally Issued

The Illinois Department of Agriculture began to accept craft grower applications in February of 2020, with the deadline to submit applications of March 16th, 2020.  The deadline for the state to issue the licenses was supposed to happen by July 1, 2020, although due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this deadline was extended indefinitely.

Craft Growing CaanibusThe Department of Agriculture issued an update on August 2, 2021, with more information on adult use cannabis licenses, craft grower, infuser, and transport licenses, along with links to applicable applications and exhibits. The first round of awarded craft grower licenses was just released a full year later, on July 15, 2021. A list of the currently awarded licensees can be found here, with licenses for craft growers, infusers, or transporters qualifying by ownership as 67% being nonwhite and 83% qualifying as Social Equity businesses.

Applicants were awarded a license based on a scoring system. These top-scoring applications have 10 business days to submit certification forms and license fees to finalize their craft grower license. For those that did not receive notice of award, applicants are wondering how they scored compared to those who were just issued a license, and if their application will be approved.  Of the 40 recent licenses issued, all 40 were approved to veteran-led teams, which is prompting some applicants to cry foul and demand a release of scores.

More Illinois Craft Grower Licenses to Come

The department plans to release another 60 craft grower licenses by December 21, 2021 and says they will release scores after that time.  Veteran led status has been a sticking point since licenses for dispensaries were found to have been issued to a majority of veteran led teams, with some dispensaries challenging the constitutionality of this in court, according to an article in Grown In Magazine.

High Quality Cannabis Seeds in Illinois

Craft Growing CannabisIf you are one of the lucky applicants to have received your license to craft grow in Illinois, you will be in need of quality cannabis seeds.  Whether you are looking to craft grow or just want to dabble in growing, within Illinois legal limits such as to grow your own medicinal herbal garden, you still need quality cannabis seeds to grow quality marijuana plants. Mosca Seeds has the answer with a wide selection of the highest in quality of cannabis seeds whether home growing or craft growing in Illinois.

Mosca Seeds is recognized for offering high quality cannabis seeds, cultivated with the finest in cannabis seed genetics.  Mosca Seeds has many cannabis cup award winning strains and a variety of feminized, autoflowering, or regular seeds for any type of marijuana garden.  Check out Mosca Seeds at The Seed Bazaar for the best cannabis seeds in Illinois.