What are moon rocks?

Moon rocks are cannabis buds coated in hash oil or a liquid concentrate, then rolled in kief. Talk about WoW, these things will take your high to a whole new level. Combining these three ingredients makes for a purely potent trip that can be about double the THC...

Can Cannabis help with my bipolar?

There are nearly 40 million people living in the United States with bipolar disorder, which affects both men and women equally. Treatments for bipolar typically include pharmaceutical medications and psychotherapy, although medical cannabis is showing to be a safe and...

How can I hide the smell of pot when I smoke?

There are many reasons why you need to reduce the smell of marijuana when smoking. If you want to toke up before company comes over and not everyone is 420 friendly, you might be curious about some of the best methods to hide the smell of pot smoke. Some of the...

What is Cannabis Emulsification?

Cannabis emulsions are created with an emulsification process that converts the oil-based cannabinoids into very tiny, billions of water-soluble emulsions. This allows for the emulsions to be suspended in other products without separating. Without emulsification,...