Nutrient Uptake

Nutrient uptake is how plants capture all the elements essential for growth. The movement of nutrients through plants starts with ions dissolving in water near the root system. Nutrients are taken in by the tracheids, the elongated cells that carry water and mineral...


N-P-K refers to the primary nutrients required for growing high quality cannabis and other plant products in the agricultural industry and refers specifically to: Nitrogen (N) – especially important for photosynthesis and although nitrogen is present in the...


Cannabis plants require various nutrients to thrive with primary nutrients including Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), often seen on fertilizer products with the ratio indicated as N-P-K. Other micronutrients that help marijuana thrive include Calcium (Ca),...

Nitrogen (N)

Nitrogen (N) is the most common chemical element in the atmosphere, is abundant in water and soil, and is vital for all living things. Nitrogen plays a critical role particularly for plant growth and the production of chlorophyll, which is essential for the process of...